Headlines - Top Stories

by Emkore Limited

News & Magazines


Receive current breaking news and top stories from verified news outlets.

Get the latest news and top stories without having to sift through endless amounts of gossip, fake news and other nonsense.Headlines scans the Twitter activity of verified news outlets for current events, breaking news and trending topics. Using Reuters Open Calais API, found sources are then grouped based on semantics into the same event. This way, you will see one event listed, with multiple news outlets reporting on it. The final result is a single list with relevant current events ranked by how often the news was shared on Twitter. Each event contains an overview of the original sources, and links through to the websites of the news outlets reporting on it.Thanks to Headlines you get to see real news only, in a destracion free environment. Get rid of fake news, gossip and nonsense: download Headlines for free today!- Small UI improvements

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Description looked good, downloaded ok. Won't open! :(

William Kump

Awesome app! Only shows me the things that really matter.

Michiel Van Der Vlies